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SHC directs prosecutor general, IGP to prepare guidelines for interrogation reports


KARACHI: Sindh High Court has directed the prosecutor general of Sindh to submit a report about the preparation of guidelines for interrogation reports in criminal cases.

The direction came on the bail application of a man who is involved in a robbery and murder case. SHC’s single bench headed by Justice Salahuddin Panhwar observed that the prosecutor general was directed to prepare guidelines with regard to interrogation reports in different cases.

The court observed that IG Sindh was also directed to assign the task to any officer, not below the rank of DIGP who shall join with the prosecutor general to draw guidelines in different categories of criminal cases. The court observed that the order of the court was not complied with and directed the prosecutor general and IG Sindh to comply with the same within four weeks.

The court observed that it is expected from the prosecutor general that he shall take a personal interest in the matter and ensure that guidelines are provided to the investigators on modern methods by taking benefits of forensic and computer technology. The court ordered that the progress report shall be submitted on the administrative side for further perusal and directions from the court.

The court had earlier observed that most of the cases rest on interrogation reports as per prosecution but normally interrogations are not in writing or in a specific performa. The additional prosecutor general had submitted an interim report about the preparation of interrogation guidelines. The additional prosecutor general submitted that it is normal practice that interrogation reports can not be used as proof against the ‘accused’ in the ‘instant case ‘due to inadequacy of the police format nor the document could be used as legal evidence.

He submitted that the interrogation of the accused should be recorded by a close circuit camera at the police station investigation room and the interrogation must contain a full and true account of the accused. He said that questions from a suspect should be based upon the facts and the circumstances of each case, different questionnaires have to be designed for the different nature and definition of offences. The court had directed the committee to submit performas of interrogation reports to all prosecutors, and investigation officers for compliance.

Meanwhile, the Sindh High Court issued notices to the home department, IG Sindh and others on the petition against the detention of three activists of the Muttahida Quami Movement (London) under the Maintenance of Public Order.

Petitioners Akbar Ali and others submitted that MQM London activists were detained under MPO by the Sindh government without any lawful authority and mandatory requirements under the law were not met. They requested the court to set aside the detention orders and order to release the detainees if not required in further cases. It is pertinent to mention that SHC had earlier set aside the detention orders of 15 activists of MQM London and ordered their release declaring their detention by the Sindh government as an unlawful.


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