World News

Bridge: July 27, 2023


Cy the Cynic says you may not need to fool all the people all the time. If you’re a politician, fooling a majority on election day will do.

Today’s North jumped exuberantly to four hearts, thinking East-West might have a game. (They could make four diamonds but no game.) West led the jack of diamonds, and South took the ace and saw four losers: two clubs and the A-K of trumps.

Could South do anything to fool East-West out of one of their winners?


South took the ace of spades, led his six to dummy’s king and returned the eight. Assuming that declarer was about to ruff, East discarded a diamond. (Either West hadn’t signaled “count” on the spade leads or East wasn’t paying attention.)

When South’s queen won, he ruffed a diamond in dummy and led the jack of spades. East ruffed low, and South threw a club. East then switched to clubs, but South ruffed the second club and led a trump. The king and ace fell together, and South had compressed his four losers into three.


You hold: S 10 4 H A 3 D K Q 7 5 3 C K 10 9 2. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens one heart. You pass, the next player bids two hearts and two passes follow. What do you say?

ANSWER: To let the opponents play in a decent trump fit at the two level is seldom right. Your partner is marked with some strength. Bid 2NT, “Unusual,” asking him to pick a minor suit. If the opponents go to three hearts, you will have a better chance for a plus score.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable


S K J 8 5

H 10 9 7 5 2

D 6

C 8 7 4


S 9 7 3 2


D J 10 9 4

C A Q 5 3


S 10 4

H A 3

D K Q 7 5 3

C K 10 9 2


S A Q 6

H Q J 8 6 4

D A 8 2

C J 6

South West North East
1 H Pass 4 H All Pass
Opening lead — D J

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